Book Review: The Non Designer’s Design Book
Title: The Non designer’s Design book
Author: Robin Williams
Language : English
Edition: Fourth
Year: 2015
Number of Pages: 239
About two years ago I took an Adobe Illustrator course, and this book was one of the books that my instructor recommended as an additional read. The book targets beginners in the graphic and design field, hobbyist, or those who are looking to design something for their homework, or work without having previous or very minimum knowledge in design.
The book basically lists some of the very basic yet very important design principles in a simple and easy to understand way. The author focuses on four main principles: proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast. She explains each one with clear examples and shows how you can use it to communicate your message effectively. The author also talks about the effects of fonts and colors on a design and on your overall message.
This book is very easy to read. I was able to read it in two days, the language is simple and the layout and arrangement of the concepts are very digestible.
The book explains each concept with clear examples and pictures which makes understanding the concept very easy.
The language of the book is simple and the layout is clear and organized.
I was hoping that the examples would be more creative and diverse.
For a design book I was wishing the cover would be more intriguing and interesting.
In my opinion, this book is valuable for anyone who is interested in learning about design without diving into design courses or huge designs books and rules. The book will help you design interesting works and will help communicate your ideas in a very effective and clear yet simple way.